Dynamic Healing Psychotherapy's name will soon be changing to Everbe (everbetherapy.com)


Dynamic Healing Psychotherapy's name will soon be changing to Everbe (everbetherapy.com) 〰️

Hi, I’m Dr. Ann Krajewski

Virtual Therapist in VA, DC + WA

I offer In-Depth Therapy for Women struggling with Anxiety, Perfectionism, Codependency, and Low Self-Esteem.

Heal your relationship with yourself and others so that you can live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Dr. Ann Krajewski, Therapist in Arlington, VA is sitting on a couch with plants and books next to her.

You are trying to figure out this thing called life, but something isn’t working.


Does this sound familiar?

On the outside, you seem to have it all together, but it is a different story on the inside.


You long to feel confident and secure as you navigate life but instead you:

  • Feel crippled by the fear of failing or others seeing your imperfections

  • Constantly second-guess yourself and struggle to make decisions without approval from others

  • Feel pressured to be at a certain stage in life (i.e., dating, getting married, having kids)

  • Feel burnt out from never allowing yourself a break

  • Feel sad, lonely, and neglected

  • Don’t know who you are outside of what others think of you

  • Feel exhausted from all the beauty standards and pressure to be as small and as young looking as possible

  • Constantly battle self-criticism

  • Believe others would judge you if they knew what was behind the mask

  • Often feel inadequate and so don’t feel deserving of good things

  • Overwhelmed by the demand to take care of those around you

  • Feel unseen, misunderstood, unworthy, and/or unwanted

Psychologist in Arlington, VA typing on a macbook with books, a notebook and pen, and a plant next to her.

These issues probably show up in all areas of your life.

At work - you are constantly overworking to compensate for the feelings of inadequacy and imperfections you are trying to hide. You can’t ask for raises or promotions. Work isn’t satisfying, but you’re too afraid to leave. 

In relationships -  You are terrified of being vulnerable with others. You find it hard to share your genuine thoughts, feelings, and opinions out of fear people will reject you. You have often been the person that others go to for help or support but cannot ask for help in return. 

With yourself – You don’t know what your needs are. You don’t have hobbies. You are always putting yourself on the back burner. You don’t think you are deserving of love or feel responsible for negative things.

If this sounds like you, you deserve to have support from a psychologist.

Life doesn’t have to stay this way.

Perfectionism, codependency, and low self-esteem can leave you feeling like your problems aren’t big enough to ask for help - that someone else is in more need than you.

I am here to tell you that it just isn’t true! You deserve to have your voice heard and your needs taken seriously.

I am a therapist, and I can help.

Healing can be messy and complicated but you don’t have to navigate it alone.


In-depth therapy helps you dig deeper into understanding yourself and others so that you can begin to break free from old patterns and develop the life you want.  

Perfectionism, codependency, and low self-esteem often involve protecting yourself from re-experiencing past wounds. 

You may try to control your environment by being perfect, focusing on other people, or rejecting yourself before others get the chance.

 I create space that allows you to heal from these wounds and learn new ways of relating to yourself and others. Working towards more profound healing can help you discover and embrace your true self and build deeper relationships with others! 

Dr. Ann Krajewski, a Psychologist in Arlington, VA is standing up with arms on a high table top is smiling while looking out a window.

Hi, I’m Dr. Ann Krajewski, and I can help.  

Hi, I’m Dr. Ann, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, and virtual therapist and I am incredibly passionate about my work with women. I provide psychotherapy to women struggling to develop the life they want because of perfectionism, codependency, and low self-esteem. I use an in-depth approach to discover the root of your problems so that you can finally begin to heal from hurtful patterns.

My patient’s walk away from therapy feeling:

  • More secure in themselves at work and in relationships

  • Self-confident, self-accepting, and self-compassionate

  • Able to know and attend to their needs

  • Able to use and trust their inner voice, strength, and wisdom

  • Able to develop enriching relationships where they feel safe, seen, and important

You deserve to have a space dedicated to what you think, feel, and need. I offer individual therapy for young adults who want more profound healing and change.


How I Can Help You


Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety can take up your whole day. From your morning anxious thoughts about all you have to do until your nighttime anxious thoughts about the things you did or said during the day. I want to help you heal and work through the dynamics that keep anxiety running your life.

Woman is looking up smiling outside.

Therapy for Perfectionism

You are human and deserve to feel good about who you are today rather than constantly pushing yourself to do more. Finally experience feeling good enough despite your imperfections. I can help you heal the underlying dynamics that keep you from accepting your humanness and enjoying your life now.

Four friends are laughing together.

Codependency Therapy

Relationships are complicated and messy, especially if you have fears of abandonment and rejection. Heal from past wounds so you can set boundaries and advocate for your needs. I want to help you develop fulfilling relationships that don’t depend on making yourself small for the other person.

Man is outside in a field while smiling and looking into the distance.

Low Self-Esteem Therapy

You have this nagging voice in the back of your head that doesn’t let you forget all your mistakes and the ways you don’t measure up. Heal your inner critic so you can finally breathe light again. I want you to experience inner peace and freedom from constant criticism and judgment.


The Process

Reach out today.

Click the button below to access my online scheduler so you can book a free consultation. We will have a consultation where I can hear from you about what is going on and what you are looking for. Then I’ll answer any questions you have so you can be sure we’re a good fit. 

Join me each week

to discover what keeps you stuck in the same patterns. Together, we’ll figure out what you need to grow and flourish at work, in relationships, and within yourself. 

Breathe lighter again.

Feel safe and content despite the messy, complex challenges that adulthood throws at you.

Dr. Ann Krajewski, therapist in Arlington, VA is sitting at desk drinking tea with books next to her.

You long to feel seen, wanted, valued, and loved. 

What if you could feel this without demanding perfection from yourself or hiding parts of yourself behind a mask?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • As looking for services, you are probably encountering a wide variety of therapists with different degrees and titles.

    Therapist - This is usually a catch-all title used by most.

    Master Level Clinicians [ Licensed Mental Health Counselors (LMHC), Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW), and Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT)] - These titles signify someone who holds a Master’s degree (2-3 years) and a Master’s level license that allows them to provide psychotherapy (i.e., group, couples, individual, etc.).

    Licensed Psychologist (What I am!)- If someone is using the title of psychologist, this means they have received their doctorate (4-7 years of school/training) and have received their psychologist license from the state they practice. The doctorate degree often requires more hoops to jump through. They can provide psychotherapy (i.e., group, couples, individual, etc.) and psychological testing.

    Psychiatrist - If someone is using the title of a psychiatrist, this means they have their Medical Degree and specialized in mental health. They can prescribe medications. Some Psychiatrists also provide therapy.

    Other titles - There are a variety of certificates and training programs that allow clinicians to identify with a specific type of mental health treatment or specialty (i.e., psychoanalyst, eating disorder specialist, EMDR therapist, and more).

  • Some people experience a general sense of dissatisfaction with life – nothing is exactly wrong, but something isn’t exactly right either. Psychoanalytic therapy can be beneficial in digging deeper and understanding what is causing this general sense of unease in life.

    I often hear people say they have done a lot of work around self-help – reading and attending workshops – but are struggling to really make a life that feels satisfying. I often see very successful people on the outside but very underdeveloped on the inside. This is mainly because they have not been allowed to attend to their internal experience.

    I would love to help you discover what keeps you from experiencing the life you desire and do not believe you have to wait until there is a crisis or you are experiencing a depressive episode.

  • Therapy can be scary and anxiety-provoking, especially if you have never been before. You might also be someone who doesn’t even share personal information with anyone in your life, let alone a complete stranger. I have to say I love seeing people who have never been to therapy before.

    I work psychoanalytically, which means that the process of therapy is driven by what’s on your mind. I will encourage you to share what thoughts come up when you are in the room with me. I will also ask you questions to deepen our understanding of your inner world. Sometimes we will venture into topics that might feel scary to talk about, but I will respect your comfort level, and we will go at your pace. I will say that I will also challenge you – you are paying me to experience change, and sometimes that comes from talking about things outside of your comfort zone.

    However, I find that people are much better at tolerating complex topics than they realize. Most people find relief in sharing secrets they have kept inside. Having another person (aka me) witness the deeper parts of yourself is a compelling experience.

  • If you don’t have time for therapy, it probably is a sign you need therapy. Perfectionism, codependency, and low self-esteem can cause you to feel the need to overcompensate or maybe avoid what is happening inside by filling up your schedule, so you don’t actually have to be alone and look at yourself. Suppose you don’t have time for therapy. In that case, you probably don’t have time for attending to your own needs and are perhaps on the road to feeling burnt out and a generalized feeling of resentment/anger. I find that if someone really wants to make the commitment and is ready, they will find a way to work out.

    That being said, I recognize that some people genuinely have very little time. Maybe they have to work multiple jobs to take care of a family, take care of sick family members, and so on. Despite these barriers, I would say you still deserve to prioritize your needs instead of constantly pouring out of an empty cup.

  • Symptom change can happen within the first 3-6 months. Deeper change can take years. It all depends on what you are looking for.

    Some people experience a sense of relief after the first session. Sometimes people experience some relief but then start to venture into the mucky parts of their internal world and feel all the pain. This doesn't mean that therapy isn't working – actually, it's the opposite. You are venturing into the work that actually produces change. It probably took you a lifetime to get to the place you are now - untangling these patterns for change to occur will probably take some time.

    Perfectionists, codependents, and low self-esteemers often want to quickly "fix" themselves, so they don't have to sit with the underlying feelings of shame. Unfortunately, there isn't a magic wand that we can wave that will allow you to avoid the more uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. BUT! There is hope. Your life doesn't have to be dictated by avoidance - I just can't guarantee it will be "quick."

  • I suggest giving it 3 sessions to see if we are a good fit. We are two different human beings coming together for the first time – it may take a couple of sessions for us to settle into the intimate space of therapy and find a grove. However, suppose something feels off for either one of us after the third session. In that case, it is most helpful to have an open conversation and discuss options moving forward.

  • I am a big advocate for mindfulness (I love HeadSpace), yoga, exercise, spending time in nature, self-soothing activities, and finding other activities you find rejuvenating. This might take some experimenting since you may not know what you actually enjoy. Still, I would say it's well worth the exploration.

    Another crucial area is to attend to your physical needs. Things like undereating, alcohol, substances, caffeine, lack of sleep, dehydration, underlying medical issues (i.e., hypo- and hyperthyroidism, pre-diabetes/diabetes, etc.), and lack of physical activities are just some issues that can have a significant impact on your mental health. I would begin to assess these areas of your life and see what changes you can start making to take better care of your body. It may not solve all of your mental health issues, but it can most certainly help!