Codependency Therapy in Arlington, VA

Dr. Ann Krajewski, Codependency  Therapist in Arlington, VA, looking into camera smiling with a white sweater, black t-shirt and gold necklace.

Do you set yourself on fire to keep others warm?

You identify as a people pleaser and have been noticing how much it impacts your life.

Maybe you find yourself in another relationship where you feel used yet again. Or you are exhausted from worrying about what others think of you every moment of the day. Or maybe you have recently felt rejected by someone you tried your hardest to please.

You may often find yourself in relationships where you are the giver and they are the taker. Or maybe you feel worthless without feeling needed or wanted by another person.

Maybe you often blame yourself for anything negative that happens in relationships.

Perhaps you struggle to know who you really are outside of your relationships. You have never learned how to use your voice to advocate for your needs and boundaries.

There is a faint voice inside of you, crying out for change. You’re beginning to realize the impact codependence - you find you:

  • Need others to like you and need validation to feel good

  • Struggle to say no

  • Often find yourself in unrequited love situations - or the opposite - you go from one relationship to the next

  • Betray self to stay connected to another person

  • Have a hard time advocating for raises or promotions at work

  • Often apologize and accept blame when things go wrong

  • Are quick to agree, even when you don't really agree

  • Struggle with authenticity

  • Prioritize other people’s needs and put yourself last

  • Think your feelings, needs, and opinions aren’t important

  • Don't know how to ask for what you need

  • Go to great lengths to avoid conflict, and you are uncomfortable if someone is angry at you

  • Feel responsible for how other people feel

  • Don’t admit when your feelings are hurt

  • Feel guilty when you set boundaries

  • Often feel tense, anxious, or on edge

  • Try to fix and rescue others

  • Feel frustrated/resentful that no one considers your needs

  • Don’t feel seen, heard, or wanted

    Most of all, you don’t feel in control of your life. You don’t feel like you have the power to change because of the people around you.

    As a Codependency Therapist, I can help you find lasting change.

Dr. Ann Krajewski's hand on top of several books.

Is it time to prioritize your needs for once?

Begin Codependency Therapy in Arlington, VA today!

Dr. Ann Krajewski, Codependency Therapist in Arlington, VA standing up wearing a green sweater, black shirt, and gold necklace.

Hi, I’m Dr. Ann Krajewski, Licensed Clinical Psychologist

I am a Codependency Therapist in Arlington, VA.

I will help you heal the relationship wounds that keep you trapped in your unhelpful patterns through in-depth therapy. Codependency counseling can help you discover who you are and embrace your inner voice, strength, and wisdom. Freedom from depending on pleasing others is possible.

My Approach to Codependency Therapy

Codependency involves a loss of self. You had to abandon yourself to stay connected to the other somewhere along the way. 

  • Maybe this loss resulted from taking care of and pleasing an abusive, addicted, or narcissistic parent. Or perhaps it was more subtle than that.

  • Maybe you were the emotionally gifted child who was very empathetic and would take care of their parents/siblings and was relied on for your emotional abilities.

  • Or maybe your parents were sensitive and could not handle you expressing your genuine emotions, so you learned to make yourself small and focus on their feelings instead.

  • Whatever it was - it created relational patterns that are hard to change.

Fostering and nurturing your internal world and sense of self is central to your healing and growth. 

Your internal world has been neglected, and your sense of self is underdeveloped. Mourning the loss and beginning to uncover who you are underneath the tendency to focus only on others is where the work begins. 

I am passionate about helping others reclaim themselves and heal the wounds that keep them from living life on their terms. 

I want to help you feel safe inside your own skin and not solely dependent on others. The goal of codependency counseling isn’t to cut yourself off from others - but instead learn how to develop mutual relationships and don’t require you to abandon yourself in the service of taking care of the other.

Imagine being in a relationship where you could:

  • be okay if they didn’t approve of you or need you at all times

  • express your anger (and any other emotion) towards them

  • tolerate their anger (or any other emotion) towards you

  • set and enforce boundaries

  • not avoid conflict at all costs

  • advocate for what you need and not always focus on meeting their needs

  • express your true thoughts even if the other person disagrees

  • stay true to who you are not feel compelled to become like them

  • not always assume you are the problem and are to blame

  • be okay with the relationship ending if it is harmful to you

You could do all these things and more. This reality is possible.

As a Codependency Therapist, I want to help you get there. 


Betraying yourself and hiding who you are out of fear of abandonment doesn’t have to be your story.

Three pink plant stems

Reclaim your power and take control of your life today.

Codependency Counseling can help.

Learn more about the therapy process here.

Rupi Kaur Poem - "it was when i stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself I found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole."