Dynamic Healing Psychotherapy's name will soon be changing to Everbe (everbetherapy.com)


Dynamic Healing Psychotherapy's name will soon be changing to Everbe (everbetherapy.com) 〰️

anxiety counseling dc

Top-Rated Anxiety Therapist Washington DC

*Please note that I offer virtual therapy to those in DC and Virginia*

Have you struggled with anxiety for so long that figuring out how to deal with it seems daunting?

Maybe at first you noticed the physical anxiety symptoms in your day to day life - racing heart, difficulty breathing, panic attacks, restlessness, difficulty sleeping.

Or maybe you noticed the emotional toll your anxiety was taking - you couldn’t relax, your anxiety makes you question yourself so much you struggle to have positive self-esteem, you can’t enjoy time with friends because you are so worried about the next thing, or you are struggling at work due to fear of making a mistake that you end up procrastinating.

Maybe something recently happened that made your anxiety skyrocket, or you have slowly become burnt out from your anxiety never letting you rest.

Whatever it is, you are ready to make a change.

You are ready to spend your time enjoying life rather than battling anxious thoughts.

You are ready to show up authentically in relationships rather than constantly worrying about managing other people’s emotions around you.

You are ready to be comfortable in your own skin and stop worrying about what others think of you.

You are ready to quiet the voice in the back of your head that convinces you there is always something dangerous around the corner.

You are ready to rest without feeling guilty. You want to truly enjoy your time with friends. You dream about showing up to your job confident and not afraid you are going to get fired from a tiny mistake.

You are ready for your life to be about so much more than your fear and anxiety.

Anxiety Counseling in DC can help you begin to make meaningful changes towards living a less anxious life.

My approach to anxiety therapy

I help my clients heal by taking an in-depth approach to anxiety therapy. As a psychoanalytic-oriented therapist, I'm passionate about helping people discover the root of their anxiety, which often stems from past life experiences that have gone unprocessed. 

So many of my patients come to me feeling stuck. They have tried the self-help books, the meditations, and maybe other skills-based anxiety treatment (i.e., cognitive behavioral therapy or acceptance and commitment therapy) in the past. But nothing seemed to give. Their anxiety still seemed to take control of their life. 

Don't get me wrong. Learning to breath, meditation, and challenging those automatic thoughts can be helpful. But there there is something unconscious that is reinforcing your anxiety, those things won't help until that deeper issue is addressed. 

I would love to give you a skill that will quickly help you feel safe and secure. 

Seriously. It is not easy for me to see my patients suffering. But from my years of experience, I know doing the messy work of uncovering more painful dynamics is what truly can help you feel like you can breathe freely again. 

I recognize that this journey can feel overwhelming and even scary, especially if you're new to therapy. At the same time, I'm here to remind you that you don't need to go through it alone. Together, we'll learn more about yourself and the ways in which anxiety has kept you safe from others, the world in general, or even some uncomfortable parts of yourself.

Taking a deep dive into your inner world requires courage and vulnerability, which is why I focus on building strong therapeutic relationships with each of my clients. My clinical view is that anxiety disorders often stem from old relationship wounds, so I believe that a therapist-client relationship built on trust and authenticity can provide opportunities for profound healing.

This healing process takes time, energy, and commitment, but it is completely worth it. A life where you don't feel anxious, tense, and guarded all the time is possible. Let's create it for you.

anxiety therapist washington dc

Meet Dr. Ann Krajewski, Psy.D. | Anxiety therapist in Washington DC

I've had a lifelong passion for understanding how people work. Now, as a licensed clinical psychologist, I have the honor and privilege to learn about people as my job! I'm committed to helping people get to the root of their anxious thoughts and feel empowered to show up as their genuine selves. I'm here to show you that healing is possible.

Why choose Dynamic Healing Psychotherapy

There are tons of different anxiety therapists out there, so it's important to find the best fit for your specific needs. Here are a few reasons to consider working with me.

I help people get to the root of their symptoms.

I don't believe in quick fixes or band-aid solutions. These only serve to mask symptoms, and they're not long-term solutions. By taking an in-depth approach to anxiety counseling, I help people find the source of their anxiety and make changes to experience lasting relief. If you have been trying different skills to manage your anxiety with no success, it may be time to take a different approach. I would be happy to help you spend your energy working on the issue that is fueling your anxiety, rather than chasing a fantasy that breathing exercises will heal your anxiety long term. 

There is so much talk around "evidence based treatment" models, but I have found that the human person doesn't fit within the boxes of most of these models. These treatments have their place and can really help people. But they also aren't meant for everyone. If you are finding that you are wanting more self-discovery and find that skills based models aren't getting to your deeper issues, then I would love to help you. 

I specialize in supporting young adults.

Young adulthood is a tender time in life. You're no longer a child, but you're still finding your footing as you navigate life on your own. So many changes are happening. Maybe you are getting into your first relationship and having all those anxious feels. Or maybe your friends are moving on in life while you feel left behind. 

For many people, this is a time when unresolved traumas and mental health issues start to show their face. I started my private practice knowing that I was passionate about supporting people in this chapter of their life. In fact, my practice specializes in supporting young adults in their 20s or 30s. So if you are studying at a university like Georgetown university or are several years into your career, I am here ready to help you 

I have extensive knowledge of how anxiety can manifest.

Anxiety is more than just worry. It can come with feelings of dread and self-doubt, being absorbed with what others think of you, and even uncomfortable physical symptoms. I work with people every day who struggle with anxiety. I have dedicated time and money towards honing my ability to listen and get to the deeper issue of anxiety in people's lives. The human mind is complicated and so I take my job seriously in helping people make sense of the messiness of their internal and external worlds.

Plus, I've seen firsthand how anxiety is also linked to low self-esteem perfectionism, and codependence. That's why I also specialize in providing psychotherapy services in those areas.

FAQs about anxiety treatment in Washington DC

  • Yes! My approach to talk therapy helps people discover the source of their anxiety. From here, we can process through it and help you discover new ways of showing up in the world.

    You'll experience more confidence and ease in your daily life, and you'll feel empowered to navigate life's challenges in a way you feel good about. You don't have to suffer from anxiety forever, there is hope for a more grounded and secure life.

  • I'm a firm believer that taking an in-depth approach is the most effective way to heal from anxiety. With this method, you'll get to the root of your anxiety. Once you know more about yourself, you'll be able to make intentional shifts that will help you feel better.

    At the same time, it's important to find a treatment approach that resonates with you. There are several other evidence-based treatments for anxiety, including cognitive behavioral therapy.

    Some people may also prefer different ways of receiving therapy. For example, individual therapy may be a good fit for some people, but other situations may call for family therapy or couples therapy.

    If you're not sure whether my services are the right fit for you, I invite you to connect with me for a free consultation.

  • Finding the right therapist is key in getting the most out of your time in counseling. To find the best anxiety therapist for your needs, I recommend considering these factors:

    • Methods used

    • Approach and style

    • Specialty areas

    • Location (i.e. telehealth vs. in-person, and is licensed in the state where you live)

    • Scheduling availability

    • Connection (i.e. potential for a strong therapeutic relationship)

    I encourage you to schedule a free consultation with any therapist you're thinking about hiring. This will help you get clear on whether they're the right therapist for you.

Get to the root of your worries with my in-depth anxiety counseling in DC.

If you're ready to finally start feeling calm and confident, I'm here to help. I know the pain of constant worry, never feeling good enough, and hiding your true self away. I also know the profound healing and transformation that is possible with therapy. Connect with me today to get started.