Dynamic Healing Psychotherapy's name will soon be changing to Everbe (everbetherapy.com)


Dynamic Healing Psychotherapy's name will soon be changing to Everbe (everbetherapy.com) 〰️

Hello! I’m Dr. Ann Krajewski

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

I help adults heal from anxiety, perfectionism, codependency, and low self-esteem so they can have a rewarding and enriching life.

Every part of you deserves to be seen, heard, and understood.

Yes, even the messy parts you desperately try to hide.

What I believe

I grew up loving fantasy stories (where are my Harry Potter fans??). There was something about an ordinary person going on this journey of self-discovery and learning about their inner power they didn’t know they had. Most of the time, this inner-power was some kind of extraordinary magic. As I have accompanied patients on this journey and have even done my own extensive therapy – I am a firm believer that therapy will unveil your inner power and magic.

Therapy is the space that allows something mystical to happen – by allowing an opening to take a deep dive into your experience — your journey, your story, it begins to transform

You begin to transform as you take the risk of looking at reality in a way that you never allowed yourself to before. It’s hard to really put the finger on what exactly happens. It’s an organic process that will unfold before both of us.


Wow. Do I have the significant privilege of watching people discover their inner power and worth. It is messy. Don't get me wrong. It won't be easy. But I cherish every session I get to go alongside people as they heal from wounds that have kept them from seeing who they really are – the wounds that kept them from embracing what makes them unique and special.  

The journey may include struggles, obstacles, and challenges that will require you to dig deeper – but putting in that work allows your world to change. 

  • You begin to see yourself differently

  • You show up differently in spaces

  • You're less afraid of being who you are

  • You begin to value what you have to offer

  • You discover what you need/want in life and aren't willing to compromise that

  • You find more fulfilling relationships – relationships that you never thought were possible

Helping people experience this healing is my passion, and I want to help you achieve the same. 


How I show up in session.


In general, I would describe myself as playful, deeply caring, forever curious, thoughtful, lover of a challenge (especially any type of puzzle), very relational, and have a strong desire to go beyond the surface - to help others know themselves more. I laugh with my patients while simultaneously being curious about what might be pulling them to comedy. I ask questions and listen to what is underneath to begin making connections.

I take great pride in my work and deeply care about my patients. I continually challenge myself to grow as a therapist to help you more. I challenge myself through seeking supervision, engaging in ongoing training, and doing readings around what my patients are bringing in. Yes, I am a bit of a nerd and am proud of it! I also challenge myself through undergoing my personal therapy. I can’t help you go deeper if I am not willing to go deeper within myself.

I am also a firm believer that your therapy time is yours. I will rarely talk about myself or share information about my personal life. The therapeutic relationship is different from any other relationship, which might feel strange at first. You might be used to a more mutual conversation where you share something, and someone shares something back. OR you might be used to others taking up your time or immediately telling you what they think about your situation. I commit to avoiding this because I want your voice to be central in our time together.

“the degree to which a person can grow is in direct proportion to the amount of truth they can accept about themselves without running away.”

— Emily Maroutian

My Values



As humans, we are so quick to judge and label everything, including our internal experience. I value taking a step back and being curious about why you might be feeling or behaving in a certain way. Judgment doesn’t help you get unstuck, but curiosity opens something different. Unlearning judgment and criticism and cultivating curiosity takes time and energy, but it is often crucial to healing.


It is so hard to be honest with oneself and others. I get it. I have done a lot of work around looking at reality, and I am passionate about helping my patients do the same. Being honest with oneself is often the way to move forward. We can’t create something different if we desperately try to hide reality from ourselves. I also believe you are more capable of facing reality than you probably give yourself credit for.


We often feel restricted by ourselves and others. I believe in helping people cultivate more freedom to use their voice and embrace their true feelings, needs, and thoughts. You deserve to feel free to create a life that works for you - not what other people have told you it should be. I also believe allowing yourself the freedom to be your true self opens you up to all your internal strength and wisdom that will help guide you in life.



I believe with my whole being that we are created for connection. I often find that the root of most mental health issues is a lack of connection. My work involves creating space for perfectionists, codependents, and low self-esteemers to heal from their relationship wounds. I also believe that the therapeutic relationship is crucial to healing and will often attend to your feelings/dynamics in our relationship.




Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Virginia #0810007722

Washington DC #PSY200001564

Washington State #PY61300930


Institute for the Psychological Sciences | Sterling, VA

Masters of Science (MS) in Clinical Psychology

Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology

Franciscan University of Steubenville | Steubenville, OH

Bachelor of Art in Clinical Psychology

 Learn about the therapy process here.

Start your journey towards healing today.