Therapy for Perfectionism in Arlington, VA

Dr. Ann Krajewski, Therapist for Perfectionism in Arlington, VA, is sitting at desk on her computer, while looking out the window smiling.

Do you base your value on what you do? Or maybe you never feel good enough unless you are achieving yet another goal?

Three pink leaves

Maybe you have experienced a recent failure and can’t get over how horrible you feel about not succeeding.

Maybe you have tried everything - podcasts, mindfulness, meditating, journaling, and more - but nothing seems to change. You are still absolutely exhausted but find it challenging to take a break and use the self-care activities that everyone says will help.

You meet goals and have significant achievements, but you can’t seem to enjoy your successes - the feeling of inadequacy is still plaguing you.

You are still scared of anyone seeing your vulnerabilities, “weaknesses,” or imperfections to the point that it’s hard for you to get close to people.

Whatever it is - you’re beginning to notice the impact of perfectionism in every facet of your life and notice you:

  • Are a high achiever and are always looking for the next accomplishment

  • Are often very critical/judgment of yourself and others

  • Feel like you can never fully reach your potential no matter how hard you try

  • Fear any type of failure and often procrastinate out of this fear

  • Avoid activities that you are afraid you will not be good at

  • Put your own well being on the back burner to achieve perfection

  • Need to feel in control at all times

  • Believe there is a right/wrong way to do most things

  • Can’t let go of previous failures/mistakes

  • Become defensive if someone points out any mistakes

  • Really struggle to take feedback and tend to take it personally

  • Can’t delegate/trust others

  • Can’t relax, even on days off or on vacation

  • Share your thoughts/feelings/needs with others

  • Are obsessed with rules, lists, and work

  • Are depressed, anxious, and burnt out

  • Find it challenging to build fulfilling relationships

  • Never feel good enough, despite all your achievements

If this is you, finding a therapist for perfectionism could help you heal from these painful experiences. Lucky for you, I am therapist that specializes in perfectionism therapy!

Dr. Ann Krajewski holding a The Drama of the Gifted Child book. A book that is helpful for Therapy for Perfectionism.

Are you ready to break free from these patterns?

Begin therapy for perfectionism in Arlington, VA today!

Dr. Ann Krajewski outside in a pink and white stripped flannel with scarf and vest.

Hi, I’m Dr. Ann Krajewski, Licensed Clinical Psychologist

I am a Therapist for Perfectionism in Arlington, VA. 

Perfectionism Therapy will help you find relief from your relentless drive for more through in-depth therapy. You can begin to feel good enough without attaining perfection, learn who you are outside of your accomplishments, and feel secure instead of feeling panicked when you make a mistake. 

My Approach to Perfectionism Therapy in Arlington, VA

Most perfectionists come into my office knowing something is wrong and want change. However, they often struggle to let go of the need for control and drive for perfection. They may attempt to use therapy to fix whatever keeps them from being perfect. 

As a young adult in the DC area, you have probably been rewarded for perfectionism. So it can be terrifying to think about getting rid of it. 

It may feel impossible now, but you can feel good enough. 

You can feel safe without perfection and control. 

You can accept yourself as you are in the present, and I can help you get there. 

 I find that perfectionism is a symptom of something deeper that you attempt to avoid. I create space for you to approach the parts you have been neglecting. Perfectionism therapy can help you:

  • Become aware of what is happening internally

  • Foster curiosity around how you started rejecting your imperfection

  • Understand why you feel unsafe in your humanness

  • Unearth and work through the unconscious dynamics that keep you trapped in perfectionism so you can experience growth that leads you to a lifelong change

While you may feel pulled to only focus on skills or tools, this may just be reinforcing the underlying dynamics that keep you in the same patterns. As a therapist for perfectionism in Arlington, VA - I will help you move away from focusing on doing so that you can finally allow yourself to just be. 

Feeling inadequate and burnt out doesn’t have to be your story.

Three white plant stems.

Therapy for Perfectionism can help!

The Process


Click here to schedule your free consultation. We will meet for a 15-minute video consultation where we talk about what prompted you to reach out, discuss some practical details, and discuss if it feels like a good fit. If we feel like it is a good fit we will schedule your intake paperwork.


Then we have our intake appointment! During this appointment, you will share more about what you are currently experiencing. I approach intakes with a very open-ended style. I will follow what you are saying and ask questions to understand more. I will also ask about your past and how your current issues developed over time.


Once we have the intake appointment and we both continue to feel like it is a good fit, the work begins! Therapy sessions will start with you sharing what is on your mind and we will go from there. If you want to learn more about me as a therapist you can check out my About Me page or my Services page.

Learn more about the therapy process here.

when so much is unknown you are free to just breathe. you are free to have peace without having answers for everything.

-Morgan Harper Nichols